Wicked Dark Photography: Abandoned camper inside
Wicked Dark Photography: Abandoned camper with seat
Wicked Dark Photography: Abandoned camper fridge
Wicked Dark Photography: All the comforts of home
Wicked Dark Photography: Abandoned camper long view
Wicked Dark Photography: Vertical meets horizontal
Wicked Dark Photography: Busted tail light
Wicked Dark Photography: Bendy tree and bullet holes
Wicked Dark Photography: Bendy tree and bullet holes vert
Wicked Dark Photography: Poison mushrooms
Wicked Dark Photography: Leaves on high
Wicked Dark Photography: Watercolors abstract
Wicked Dark Photography: The first to go
Wicked Dark Photography: Mourning cloak
Wicked Dark Photography: Death Can Dance
Wicked Dark Photography: Eastern Painted Turtle
Wicked Dark Photography: What Noisy Cats are We
Wicked Dark Photography: Fringed Polygala
Wicked Dark Photography: On Dark Rivers