thewidgit: Radiating Rust
thewidgit: A quiet place
thewidgit: IMG_3382
thewidgit: IMG_3379
thewidgit: IMG_3375
thewidgit: Broken Mirrors Reflect Broken Reflections
thewidgit: Oasis
thewidgit: wasteland
thewidgit: Underlying Support
thewidgit: IMG_3372
thewidgit: fractured
thewidgit: ¿que?
thewidgit: glass ice
thewidgit: Half brick
thewidgit: chimes
thewidgit: petina
thewidgit: IMG_0899
thewidgit: IMG_0511
thewidgit: IMG_0579
thewidgit: vertigo
thewidgit: my little friend
thewidgit: the way the city looks to some
thewidgit: IMG_0224
thewidgit: IMG_0304
thewidgit: portal
thewidgit: IMG_0202
thewidgit: IMG_0948
thewidgit: rooftops