Claudia Gaiotto: Լƛ Ƨ Ƭ Ɯ Ɩ ƝƬ Є Ʀ
Debmalya Mukherjee: The caller...
Rafa Mengual: De cuando cañas y barro
Charlie Pragnell: rhyl out flow
Yelena Strokin: Chicken_Liver_Pate_3
Yelena Strokin: Preserved Lemons with Rosemary
Yelena Strokin: Kougelhopf - Fruit and Almond Ring, the Perfect Breakfast and Brunch Dessert
Yelena Strokin: Warm Potato Salad with Smoked Oysters, Sauté Mushrooms and Avocado
Ann Hung Photography: Outpost Mini Donuts @ Steveston