The Cay: entrance
The Cay: main street
The Cay: baby mickeys
The Cay: horse and trolley
The Cay: thunder mtn
The Cay: river
The Cay: DSC_0248
The Cay: churning
The Cay: DSC_0251
The Cay: DSC_0252
The Cay: DSC_0253
The Cay: ferry
The Cay: DSC_0255
The Cay: DSC_0256
The Cay: DSC_0257
The Cay: DSC_0258
The Cay: DSC_0259
The Cay: DSC_0260
The Cay: DSC_0262
The Cay: DSC_0263
The Cay: DSC_0264
The Cay: DSC_0265
The Cay: DSC_0266
The Cay: DSC_0267
The Cay: waiting for dumbo
The Cay: mac's unhappy
The Cay: happy aunt and "keeping dumbo low" niece
The Cay: DSC_0276
The Cay: margie and helen