Gaz The Hunter: Picture 110
Gaz The Hunter: Picture 109
Gaz The Hunter: Willow in the woods
Gaz The Hunter: Willow in the snow
Gaz The Hunter: Noble animal
Gaz The Hunter: Tree sculpture
Gaz The Hunter: More tree sculpture
Gaz The Hunter: Most wise and noble beast
Gaz The Hunter: RottPointer
Gaz The Hunter: Comfortably asleep
Gaz The Hunter: Out like a light
Gaz The Hunter: The Weasels leaked a bit but not much overnight
Gaz The Hunter: Willow's Weasels
Gaz The Hunter: Willow's poorly
Gaz The Hunter: Willow and unfeasably large bone
Gaz The Hunter: 'sleep. Go 'way
Gaz The Hunter: Not playing
Gaz The Hunter: Sock on foot. Another on nose. *now* lick your foot!
Gaz The Hunter: Willows weasels exposed
Gaz The Hunter: Willows woozy
Gaz The Hunter: Willow's Weasels
Gaz The Hunter: Return of VacuDozer
Gaz The Hunter: Would you like to share?
Gaz The Hunter: Zzzzzz X 2
Gaz The Hunter: Pillow talk
Gaz The Hunter: Willow flat out
Gaz The Hunter: Willow, with glove. Look, she can't wear it on her hands...