that blonde girl: Great Goat Escape #2
that blonde girl: breakout session
that blonde girl: we lived in Pinterest for a few days
that blonde girl: Pimm's Cup
that blonde girl: Pam bearing drinks
that blonde girl: Ashley is all "whatevs."
that blonde girl: @ Driftless Organics
that blonde girl: looking back at "our" farm
that blonde girl: pottery porch
that blonde girl: breakfast
that blonde girl: sunset over the house
that blonde girl: ladies!
that blonde girl: sunset walk to the barn
that blonde girl: I don't even know what's in focus here
that blonde girl: hey lady
that blonde girl: Queen Anne's Lace everywhere
that blonde girl: meeting the goats
that blonde girl: grilled things for dinner
that blonde girl: barn + cows
that blonde girl: tiny horses!
that blonde girl: dangling over the Mississippi
that blonde girl: Phil & Caro sharing a moment
that blonde girl: Mississippi River bluff