that blonde girl: Simon Flavius
that blonde girl: bar at Royal Tavern
that blonde girl: yay! fun!
that blonde girl: at one point at least four of us
that blonde girl: we spent a lot of time
that blonde girl: photos! cowls!
that blonde girl: Diana rocks her cowl
that blonde girl: carefully set aside
that blonde girl: best. eggs. ever.
that blonde girl: we are camera-wielding freaks
that blonde girl: Caro SPs at Loop
that blonde girl: angelic Megan
that blonde girl: intense storytelling
that blonde girl: whatever they were discussing
that blonde girl: Christy has a tail!
that blonde girl: I may have been talked into
that blonde girl: hello, new yarn which I must buy
that blonde girl: I made this!
that blonde girl: cropped because I looked weird
that blonde girl: the lovely Ms Frick
that blonde girl: champagne and knitting
that blonde girl: *schnorgle*
that blonde girl: all of my photos of Saturday night look like this
that blonde girl: Deluxe Nova!