tgar: Steph and Alex
tgar: Adam and Mary
tgar: pith helmet bloke
tgar: nyckelharpa in the pipes
tgar: le grand saut drummer
tgar: le grand saut
tgar: drum bloke
tgar: chateau at dawn
tgar: bloke playing a sheep
tgar: bagad de saint nazaire
tgar: Red Dog Green Dog
tgar: Red Dog Green Dog
tgar: Primaeval
tgar: Primaeval
tgar: My exhibition
tgar: Pat
tgar: Pat and Katie
tgar: The class
tgar: Dee drawing
tgar: Chateauroux architecture
tgar: Zebra bagpipes
tgar: Une vielle et trois vielles a roue
tgar: Five box players
tgar: Unknown gurdy player
tgar: Red Dog, Green Dog
tgar: Crazy pipe band
tgar: The chateau
tgar: House in Saint Chartier
tgar: The chateau
tgar: Nelson and his crew