tftdguru: Shoshana and Kristal
tftdguru: Admiring the doo-dahs in the parking lot
tftdguru: More doo-dah admiring
tftdguru: P1000136
tftdguru: Karl
tftdguru: Defense
tftdguru: P1000138
tftdguru: P1000140
tftdguru: Conspiritors
tftdguru: Is that thing going to explode?
tftdguru: Suspicion
tftdguru: Amusement
tftdguru: Delight
tftdguru: P1000146
tftdguru: Embarassed Delight
tftdguru: Happy Birthday Joe
tftdguru: Instant Birthday Extravaganza
tftdguru: Finally the Funny Hat
tftdguru: Say Queso
tftdguru: Put that damn camera away already
tftdguru: P1000154
tftdguru: P1000155
tftdguru: P1000156
tftdguru: P1000157
tftdguru: P1000158
tftdguru: P1000160
tftdguru: P1000161
tftdguru: Not ready to ride
tftdguru: P1000163
tftdguru: P1000165