Terribly-Happy: SXSW V2V opening panel
Terribly-Happy: Steve Case keynote @ SXSW V2V
Terribly-Happy: Every conference I go to from now on: please provide beanbags. #SXSWV2V
Terribly-Happy: Inaugural #SXSWV2V sushi and fried chicken and Google Glass meetup!
Terribly-Happy: Pinball pilgrimage. #sxswv2v
Terribly-Happy: Gavin Turek at SXSW V2V
Terribly-Happy: Chris, Claire, Sweet John and Me.
Terribly-Happy: Chris, Claire, Sweet John, Me and Griselda.
Terribly-Happy: Tim League at the mic.
Terribly-Happy: J-Ro at the mic.
Terribly-Happy: Sweet John!
Terribly-Happy: My power