tcd123usa: wintry surf
tcd123usa: after the storm
tcd123usa: after the storm_2
tcd123usa: bar looking out
tcd123usa: beginning to snow
tcd123usa: bright white outside
tcd123usa: bring the speakes safely here
tcd123usa: camraderie
tcd123usa: Dunes Manor stained glass
tcd123usa: etched snow_2
tcd123usa: it's snowing
tcd123usa: it's warm inside
tcd123usa: leisure
tcd123usa: light in the storm
tcd123usa: looking north
tcd123usa: looking south
tcd123usa: looking south_2
tcd123usa: The sign says no bare feet in the hotel lobby. But there was no danger of that this day. The temperature was about 10 degrees fahrenheit.
tcd123usa: pathway to beach
tcd123usa: remembering warmer weather
tcd123usa: snow on dunes
tcd123usa: snowy beach path_2
tcd123usa: snowy dawn
tcd123usa: snowy deck
tcd123usa: snowy footprints
tcd123usa: snowy path to beach
tcd123usa: snowy surfline
tcd123usa: Speer Trust board
tcd123usa: sunrise on snowy morning
tcd123usa: tete a tete