tata_biserova: President-hotel
tata_biserova: The Cathedral of Christ the Saviour
tata_biserova: Soviet cinema "Udarnik" (Part of "The House on the Embankment").
tata_biserova: The oldest power plant in Moscow
tata_biserova: Ground hall of Kropotkinskaya metro station
tata_biserova: Moscow State University
tata_biserova: Колокольня старообрядческой церкви на Бауманской и исчезнувший из Москвы трамвай TatraT3
tata_biserova: Pioneers Palace in Moscow // Дворец пионеров на Воробьевых горах
tata_biserova: Babayevsky Chocolate Factory // Шоколадная фабрика "Бабаевская"
tata_biserova: Бывший кинотеатр "Прогресс", Москва // The old cinema in Moscow
tata_biserova: Inktober2021, day1
tata_biserova: Inktober2021, day1
tata_biserova: Inktober2021, day2
tata_biserova: Inktober2021, day3
tata_biserova: Inktober2021, day4
tata_biserova: Inktober2021, day5
tata_biserova: Inktober2021, day6
tata_biserova: Inktober2021, day7
tata_biserova: Inktober2021, day8
tata_biserova: Inktober2021, day 9
tata_biserova: Inktober2021, day 10
tata_biserova: Inktober2021, day 11
tata_biserova: Inktober2021, day 12
tata_biserova: Inktober2021, day 13
tata_biserova: Inktober2021, day 14
tata_biserova: Inktober2021, day 15