tarasqeuese: Do kopca viac nejdem! / No more uphill walking!
tarasqeuese: Napad: tlacme az na hrad! / Idea: lets push it up to the fort
tarasqeuese: Dobry napad / Good idea
tarasqeuese: Dolu kopcom pojde predsa samo.../Downte hill it rolls
tarasqeuese: Podme radsej spolu lietat / Lets fly together instead
tarasqeuese: Za vrchom stola / Behind the table
tarasqeuese: A toto co? / What the hack?
tarasqeuese: Konecne - Hrad! / Finaly the Fortress
tarasqeuese: How to build a tower for Dummies
tarasqeuese: Kamzik? / Chamois?
tarasqeuese: ee, koza / ee, goat
tarasqeuese: DRZA KOZA / RUDE GOAT
tarasqeuese: On the top of the world
tarasqeuese: Legenda/legend
tarasqeuese: okno / window to reality
tarasqeuese: Presovce
tarasqeuese: Najdi vlak / Where is the train?
tarasqeuese: Kozi utoca! / Goat attak
tarasqeuese: jing jang