tamelyn: suzanne bick stef
tamelyn: the food commences
tamelyn: cowboy beans
tamelyn: tom has a halo
tamelyn: donkey love
tamelyn: fire. good.
tamelyn: assume the position
tamelyn: the host and hostess. cuteness.
tamelyn: smoke follows beauty
tamelyn: ready
tamelyn: whack
tamelyn: encouragement
tamelyn: tom's turn
tamelyn: I wish I had the action shot that came directly after this
tamelyn: the appreciative audience
tamelyn: scott takes a look
tamelyn: "where's the rest of it?"
tamelyn: oh hai, neighbors!
tamelyn: "candy!"
tamelyn: confused by candy
tamelyn: yes, some of us still get excited by candy
tamelyn: the tag says, "use only under adult supervision."
tamelyn: a piñata never blinks
tamelyn: remains to be seen
tamelyn: batter up
tamelyn: yeah. don't mess with scott "the bat boy" feinstein.
tamelyn: and then donnie darko shows up