tamelyn: maybe. maybe not.
tamelyn: it has been pointed out to me recently that perhaps I'm too old to be wearing my hair this long.
tamelyn: she's a sad tomato
tamelyn: no more mai tai for you
tamelyn: one of these days
tamelyn: always take advantage of a good hair day
tamelyn: waste of time, sitting still
tamelyn: yay!
tamelyn: anticipation
tamelyn: shiny happy bangs trimmed smiling
tamelyn: not sleepy. not bashful. not happy.
tamelyn: I have bills to pay, laundry to do, and photos to frame.
tamelyn: busy
tamelyn: framed
tamelyn: *snicker*
tamelyn: I fell asleep and read just about every paragraph
tamelyn: shift the swaying river's shift
tamelyn: i'm so
tamelyn: time and distance are out of place here
tamelyn: fumble
tamelyn: sunburned nose tired eyes no makeup
tamelyn: suddenly I find myself with time on my hands
tamelyn: it's amazing how much reading you can get done when you have a child who never sleeps
tamelyn: idle hands
tamelyn: oh, sweet tempation, come to me!
tamelyn: je m'apple
tamelyn: today has been a bit of a blur
tamelyn: things I forgot to do today:
tamelyn: feeling girly