tamelyn: balancing act
tamelyn: i'm really a witch today
tamelyn: a real basket case
tamelyn: pardon me, I was just leafing
tamelyn: illuminate me
tamelyn: but seriously, folks...
tamelyn: moo
tamelyn: one of santa's lesser-known reindeer -- "smirker"
tamelyn: toque is cheap
tamelyn: brittney suggested a colander. or a cat. here are both.
tamelyn: sub rosa
tamelyn: obscure
tamelyn: "Dorky MenorahHead"
tamelyn: he asked me to wear stockings
tamelyn: toque-quoise
tamelyn: its furious balancing
tamelyn: I am everyday peeple
tamelyn: closer than my peeps you are to me
tamelyn: I really otter take this thing off my head
tamelyn: happy st. pat's day, cupcake!
tamelyn: i'm too sexy for my ears
tamelyn: ears lookin' at you, kid
tamelyn: you bowled me over
tamelyn: friday night balancing act
tamelyn: cutting edge choreography
tamelyn: self-portrait wearing a big-ass straw hat that I bought under duress from a bahamian woman because I was afraid if I didn't she'd follow me back to the hotel and beat me with a rubber shoe.
tamelyn: this is not my hat
tamelyn: jeanius of love
tamelyn: queen of caffeine
tamelyn: to cheer myself up today, I bought some wine, red nail polish, and false eyelashes. oh, and some bananas.