Ste.ff: Haus an der Leipziger Straße.
l.a. bennett: Contemplation
crclapiz: Wellesley Town Hall, Massachusetts
Sketchomat: Usk_Bahnhofsgebaeude in Reinheim
Sketchomat: VP_Tunesien
piktorio: keyhole in peeling paint
axel86: Lunchtime in the park
nina drawing: Massey Ferguson 135, 1968
piktorio: knitting guerilla pole
piktorio: in the garden
piktorio: liquid shadow
piktorio: under a tree @ Tempelhof Airfield Park
piktorio: reading in the garden
nina drawing: Margo in Rochdale canal, Manchester
axel86: Silke
axel86: p247_Captain_Picard
axel86: p249_Sktchy_Kristina_Horackova
axel86: p250_Sktchy_Maddie_Johnson
nina drawing: Back Thomas Street, Manchester
nina drawing: Peveril of the Peak, Manchester
piktorio: voluntary cleaning brigade
piktorio: shattered illusions
Wil Freeborn: Life drawing
piktorio: mossy wood
piktorio: coffee bubbles
karin.schliehe: Barcelona
axel86: p227_The_Rebel_Papa
piktorio: pond foliage
piktorio: Max & Diego swinging
nina drawing: Saltsjöbanan without rails