Cat and Nikki grate about 10 lbs of cheese
Isuru and Coquille chopped and cooked mad amounts of veggies
Anya and Elana have a scrabble show-down
Josh Gardner admires our garden
Sharon, Cat, and Nikki play cards
I have no idea what we were talking about
This calzone required delicate handling and a little patchwork. It wasn't the only one.
Sharon shows off her "I am making my own calzone" face
Kris shows off her "I wish those calzones were already done" face
Coquille wields the roller
Despite having made a calzone that became known in some circles as "the leviathan", dave's appetite proves insatiable as he comandeers a portion of sharon's calzone as well.
We eat...
And eat some more
Coquille and Anya, kind souls that they are, start the cleanup. Coquille carefully chose her outfit to match our kitchen.
Sharon explains something important
Sharon explains something important (continued)
Cat didn't get what Sharon was explaining
Amit and Isuru actually get an answer right in the Friends boardgame
Treachery afoot
More games..
Dave and Cat play what a roudy game of chess
With large calzones in our bellies, this is how most of us felt. (Yes, the moon really is that big and spooky in brooklyn. Really.)
And we finished with dominoes