orvaratli: Lake Cabin
olgeir: Northern lights
olgeir: in name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit
olgeir: Northern lights
olgeir: Northern lights
Guðjón Ottó: Mayflower
PacoBellido: Luna llena en el perigeo 19.03.2011
olgeir: Iceland
Ole C. Salomonsen: Welcome to Tromsø
Ole C. Salomonsen: The Northern Lights City
Ole C. Salomonsen: Auroral Lightshow
Ole C. Salomonsen: Dancing Queen
*Jonina*: Last night aurora borealis
*Jonina*: Aurora borealis in Fáskrúðsfjörður
*Jonina*: Aurora borealis in Fáskrúðsfjörður tonight
*Jonina*: Aurora borealis above my village last night
*Jonina*: Aurora borealis above Mt. Hoffell
*Jonina*: Aurora borealis in Fáskrúðsfjörður
*Jonina*: Aurora borealis February 4th
olgeir: Iceland
Toi-Vido: Aurora
olgeir: Northern lights in Iceland
olgeir: Northern lights in Iceland
HPHson: Heavenly colors.
olgeir: Sandgerði
swaily ◘ Claudio Parente: L'Arme, a guardia della notte.
www.ryanaskren.com: Male indigo, just had to
Dashalive: Pura Uluwatu
Jokull: Ancient creature
Walter R.: Improvise