suz or sooze: "you look like a milkman to me"
suz or sooze: "tell me, do you have any cheese here at all?"
suz or sooze: doctor? doctor? doctor!
suz or sooze: 365:32 come to me, my lovely dust spreaders.
suz or sooze: just popping in to say hello & hmb!
suz or sooze: "what have the romans ever done for us?"
suz or sooze: the glow of the dandy
suz or sooze: yogurt or yoghurt ;)
suz or sooze: "but she has got a wart!"
suz or sooze: "... so absolutely HUGE!"
suz or sooze: what's your favorite colour?
suz or sooze: "have i got a big nose, mum?"
suz or sooze: "and get the machine that goes PING!"
suz or sooze: "well, this is a temperate zone"
suz or sooze: 'tis merely a flesh wound....
suz or sooze: "Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!"
suz or sooze: 365:13 "i was sure i left it in here somewhere"
suz or sooze: "and finally, a wafer thin mint!"