nsfmc: the intro to gaby's book
nsfmc: examining this season's colors
nsfmc: exiting my printer
nsfmc: megan's 'book'
nsfmc: the back of lindsay's book pages
nsfmc: peter's book was wrapped up, like a present
nsfmc: this is me after a day without sleep!
nsfmc: elise's fads
nsfmc: spread from gaby's book
nsfmc: aki wears the top of my book's box
nsfmc: my colors
nsfmc: peter's present, wrapped
nsfmc: a pre-trimmed chip
nsfmc: color chips, sorta
nsfmc: the completed box
nsfmc: gaby's book
nsfmc: peter looking happier to see me
nsfmc: most of the books
nsfmc: spread and chips
nsfmc: megan's book box
nsfmc: angel looks at peter's book
nsfmc: the explanation
nsfmc: the box opened with the book inside
nsfmc: taylor's swatch
nsfmc: color compositions
nsfmc: color matching my printer to gouache
nsfmc: primary + secondary composition
nsfmc: brayering like mad!
nsfmc: heather is doing a sneaker color wheel
nsfmc: we use low tack matte frisket to mask areas when painting with gouache