PeterBrannon: On the Move
Elf-Y: I am Leo
SBlackthorne: It's last week's list and that's okay. Because this week it is the reminders I need. Having adored @isabel_abbott's snapshots of space from afar, it was breathless magik to feel and know in my bones this same air. To be nearly overwhelmed with my own mom
SBlackthorne: haven't got a professional sound booth (yet!) for recording your podcast? Build one! PS: fuzzy blankets make the best sound softeners.
gkgirl: Editing break::Hangin' out with pugsley on the deck
SBlackthorne: Good morning, #pdx. I love you too.
mteacup: picture016a
gkgirl: i said yes::engagement photos
Glendale (CA) Public Library Special Collections: Amelia Earhart Arrives at Grand Central Air Terminal, May 1931
NolwennP: Keera, mixed media painting on craddle wood panel
sewindie: working
sewindie: my studio space, all finished up
sewindie: dining room/ blanket fort
Red~Star: "Pearl" & Red Tunnel