stevesmythe: Cinnamon Teal swimming on the water
stevesmythe: Say's Phoebe on the fence
stevesmythe: Canada Geese on the shore among the reeds
stevesmythe: Canada Goose and new goslings wandering around
stevesmythe: Cinnamon Teal flapping its wings on water
stevesmythe: Red-winged Blackbird perched on a reed
stevesmythe: Yellow-headed Blackbird perched atop a tree branch
stevesmythe: Cinnamon Teal resting in the water by a small mud rise
stevesmythe: Cinnamon Teal couple swimming on the water
stevesmythe: Yellow-headed Blackbird perched on a reed
stevesmythe: Ruddy Duck swimming on the water
stevesmythe: A curious American Coot on the water
stevesmythe: American Robin up in a tree