Steven David Johnson: Western Skink tail, Lincoln, Oregon
Steven David Johnson: Wildflower, Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument
Steven David Johnson: Indigo bunting, Cootes Store, Virginia
Steven David Johnson: Blue crayfish in the George Washington National Forest of Virginia (Rockingham County)
Steven David Johnson: Stellar's Jay, Lincoln, Oregon
Steven David Johnson: 20100714-_MG_8230.jpg
Steven David Johnson: Fish, Shenandoah River, North Fork
Steven David Johnson: Indra swallowtail detail, Lincoln, Oregon
Steven David Johnson: 20091113-_MG_9523
Steven David Johnson: Acmon-Lupine Blue Butterfly and mariposa lily, Lincoln, Oregon
Steven David Johnson: 20100131-_MG_0601
Steven David Johnson: Portrait of a Bluehead Chub, Shenandoah River, North Fork.
Steven David Johnson: 20090607-_MG_2843-3
Steven David Johnson: Fierce Damsel (Olympus TG-4)
Steven David Johnson: Emu at Blank Park Zoo, Des Moines, Iowa
Steven David Johnson: 20090504-_MG_9812
Steven David Johnson: canon 5d-7936
Steven David Johnson: 20100509-_MG_0267
Steven David Johnson: Nest, Lincoln, Oregon
Steven David Johnson: Rare blue bullfrog, near Lincoln, Oregon
Steven David Johnson: Dragonfly in flight, Lincoln, Oregon
Steven David Johnson: Western Fence Lizard, Lincoln, Oregon (detail of belly)
Steven David Johnson: Opal Creek Ancient Forest Center