Steven David Johnson: Invasion: Another World - Spotted Salamander eggs and wood frog tadpoles in the George Washington National Forest, Virginia
Steven David Johnson: The critically endangered Lemur Leaf Frog (Agalychnis lemur) at Costa Rican Amphibian Research Center
Steven David Johnson: Red eft (Eastern Newt) - Notophthalmus viridescens - wide angle macro
Steven David Johnson: Monarch Butterflies, Shenandoah National Park
Steven David Johnson: Eastern newts courtship behavior underwater at Maple Flat Ponds, Virginia
Steven David Johnson: Saw-whet Owl, Bergton, Virginia
Steven David Johnson: Great gray owl, Lincoln, Oregon
Steven David Johnson: EMU Conservation Photography students on Shenandoah Mountain, Virginia
Steven David Johnson: Jonathan and the Saw-whet Owl, Bergton, Virginia
Steven David Johnson: EMU Conservation Photography students practice Meet Your Neighbours field techniques in the George Washington National Forest, Virginia
Steven David Johnson: EMU Conservation Photography students practice underwater techniques
Steven David Johnson: Augusta County farm in the path of the Atlantic Coast Pipeline
Steven David Johnson: Eastern Newt hunting underwater, Maple Flat Ponds, Virginia
Steven David Johnson: First look at an adult state-endangered Tiger Salamander (in situ)
Steven David Johnson: Cow Knob Salamander, Reddish Knob, Virginia
Steven David Johnson: Eastern Hellbender survey, Virginia
Steven David Johnson: Contrast: Why Conservation Matters