Steven David Johnson:
Invasion: Another World - Spotted Salamander eggs and wood frog tadpoles in the George Washington National Forest, Virginia
Steven David Johnson:
Common Snapping Turtle underwater, Shenandoah River, North Fork
Steven David Johnson:
Maggie and the firefly jar
Steven David Johnson:
Jonathan and the Saw-whet Owl, Bergton, Virginia
Steven David Johnson:
Spotted Salamander larva emerging from egg, George Washington National Forest, Virginia
Steven David Johnson:
Ringo and the teddy bear
Steven David Johnson:
Coyote melee
Steven David Johnson:
The first "autumn" leaves as seen from below a trout stream in the George Washington National Forest of Virginia
Steven David Johnson:
The remarkable visage of an Eastern Newt larva at Maple Flats Ponds in the George Washington National Forest of Virginia
Steven David Johnson:
Sandhill Crane, Broadway, Virginia
Steven David Johnson:
Contrast: Why Conservation Matters
Steven David Johnson:
Bat research, Cocobolo, Panama - Artibeus lituratus - Great Fruit-eating Bat
Steven David Johnson:
EMU Conservation Photo class field trip to Port Republic, Virginia
Steven David Johnson:
Eastern Newt hunting underwater, Maple Flat Ponds, Virginia
Steven David Johnson:
European Honey Bee (Apis mellifera), Cootes Store, Virginia
Steven David Johnson:
Studying Saw-whet Owl feather growth patterns under ultraviolet light, Bergton, Virginia
Steven David Johnson:
A very unusual creature, Costa Rica
Steven David Johnson:
May Apples, Beech Lick Knob, George Washington National Forest, Virginia
Steven David Johnson:
Another World - Spotted Salamander eggs in the George Washington National Forest, Virginia
Steven David Johnson:
Western Fence Lizard, Lincoln, Oregon (detail of belly)
Steven David Johnson:
Eastern newts courtship behavior underwater at Maple Flat Ponds, Virginia
Steven David Johnson:
Sometimes in the course of life, one stumbles across extraordinary things
Steven David Johnson:
Satiny Parrotsnake (Leptophis depressirostris), La Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica,
Steven David Johnson:
Salamander Textures of the Shenandoah Valley #2
Steven David Johnson:
Reticulated Glass Frog (Hyalinobatrachium valerioi) at Costa Rican Amphibian Research Center
Steven David Johnson:
The critically endangered Lemur Leaf Frog (Agalychnis lemur) at Costa Rican Amphibian Research Center
Steven David Johnson:
The critically endangered Lemur Leaf Frog (Agalychnis lemur) at Costa Rican Amphibian Research Center
Steven David Johnson:
Red crossbill (female), Lincoln, Oregon
Steven David Johnson:
Scarlet Fritillary, Lincoln, Oregon
Steven David Johnson:
Western Skink tail, Lincoln, Oregon