Steven David Johnson: 20091024-_MG_8199
Steven David Johnson: 20090208-_MG_8474
Steven David Johnson: 20091012-_MG_7065
Steven David Johnson: 20090830-_MG_4512
Steven David Johnson: 20100403-20100403-_MG_5668
Steven David Johnson: 20100403-20100403-_MG_5649
Steven David Johnson: 20100403-20100403-_MG_5682
Steven David Johnson: 20090507-_MG_8883
Steven David Johnson: 20090507-_MG_8875
Steven David Johnson: 20091031-_MG_8854-2
Steven David Johnson: Red damselfly, Shenandoah River, Cootes Store, Virginia
Steven David Johnson: Mink on the Shenandoah River, North Fork 20091122-_MG_9891
Steven David Johnson: 20080608-_MG_9384
Steven David Johnson: 20100125-_MG_0411
Steven David Johnson: 20100131-_MG_0525
Steven David Johnson: 20090906-_MG_5102
Steven David Johnson: A domestic goose travels with Canada Geese above the Shenandoah River, North Fork
Steven David Johnson: 20090304-_MG_0345
Steven David Johnson: Feet under the Shenandoah, North Fork
Steven David Johnson: 20090419-_MG_8779
Steven David Johnson: 20091108-_MG_9352
Steven David Johnson: 20090227-_MG_0091
Steven David Johnson: 20091122-_MG_9822
Steven David Johnson: 20090718-_MG_8794
Steven David Johnson: 20090718-_MG_8893
Steven David Johnson: 20090718-_MG_8895-3
Steven David Johnson: 20091122-_MG_9870-2
Steven David Johnson: 20091010-_MG_6856
Steven David Johnson: 20091003-_MG_5972-2