Christine and Steve:
the boys & their princesses_20jun08(2)e
Christine and Steve:
the boys & their princesses_20jun08(2)antique(e)
Christine and Steve:
Gabrielle Rose Sample_20jun08e
Christine and Steve:
Gabbie's 1st piece of chocolate cake_20jun08e
Christine and Steve:
Christine and Steve:
Gabbie sharing cake with Daddy_20jun08e
Christine and Steve:
Gabbie says - it's okay, Lola_20jun08e
Christine and Steve:
Gabbie getting kisses from Daddy_20jun08e
Christine and Steve:
Gabbie getting kisses from Daddy_20jun08bw(e)
Christine and Steve:
Gabbie & cake_20jun08e
Christine and Steve:
fishin' buddies_Lincoln, Dave & Steve_20jun08sepia(e)
Christine and Steve:
fishin' buddies_Lincoln, Dave & Steve_20jun08e
Christine and Steve:
Christine & Lola_20jun08e
Christine and Steve:
the boys & their princesses_20jun08e