Ştardust96: Mondie
Ştardust96: Mondie
Ştardust96: Mondie
Ştardust96: Mondie
Ştardust96: Mondie
Ştardust96: Mondie
Ştardust96: Mondie
Ştardust96: Mondie
Ştardust96: Mondie
Ştardust96: Mondie
Ştardust96: Now after a really good hair was with lots of shampoo and a touch of conditioner her hair is no longer in what I was calling mangy grimy disgusting dreadlocks. She's now a new clean and restored girl :)
Ştardust96: I think she needed a friend to keep her company while her hair dries today
Ştardust96: I made Mondie a new dress ♥
Ştardust96: I made Mondie a new dress ♥
Ştardust96: Mondie
Ştardust96: My sewing partner today ♥
Ştardust96: Mondie hopes the sun will go down soon so the house starts to cool down
Ştardust96: Dresses
Ştardust96: After a little hiccup this morning were finally on our way!
Ştardust96: Just Mondie
Ştardust96: Having some BL love today. Mondie is a BL-1 2001 and I simply adore her 💞
Ştardust96: Rainbow Blythe Mohair Dress Sets
Ştardust96: I made a hat
Ştardust96: Mondie thinks I better get to work snapping this huge pile of dresses!
Ştardust96: Mondie says its way too cold and wet outside not to wear a super cute hat. It's a balmy 6c today ❄🌀⛄