spelio: National Portrait Gallery lunch
spelio: ACE Mob with kids, lunch on Kosi.
spelio: ACE picnic somewhere in Sydney 1992
spelio: ACE at Pryors Hut ACT border walk
spelio: P6110042 ACE Firetrail lunch stop
spelio: Tom catches up on some heavy office reading at Murrays Beach
spelio: on Quinns Rocks Beach Terry Mary Helen 2008
spelio: Helen & Terry at lunch stop on a #SpelioACEmob weekend
spelio: ACE lunch stop Burns Bay
spelio: A nice little red we had for lunch with ACE
spelio: Apple pie for Fourth of July with Sub-ACE Canberra mob lunch
spelio: Terry & Helen pond Carabooda Oct 2008
spelio: On the way up to The Hermitage, we stop for lunch
spelio: ACE in the bush!
spelio: ACE sub group wait for Dick & Marg for lunch at the Knox in Watson
spelio: Map of the ACE Kimberley trip and DVD numbers
spelio: The view from the Hermitage up the valley we walked to get a closer view of Mt Cook
spelio: Picnic @ Vanities Crossing with Graham B and Joan