spelio: Frances looks at the view from North Head
spelio: Acacia murrayana MIMOSACEAE
spelio: Spinifex family POACEAE at sunet in the Gardens
spelio: Maireana sedifolia CHENOPODIACEAE sign
spelio: Maireana sedifolia CHENOPODIACEAE
spelio: Fractured hard rock from Crace in Canberra
spelio: Some fractured rock in the ANBG
spelio: Triodia scariosa Spinifex family POACEA
spelio: a little Swainsona formosa in the Canberra NBG
spelio: Looks like the purple Mulla Mulla we saw on the CSR
spelio: Artwork The Flow from Moore trig.
spelio: Cotter Dam Valve
spelio: ducks to water
spelio: Geology on Nth abuttment of dam
spelio: some of Jane's geology
spelio: Walk up to the Dam coffer dam
spelio: Back down the Mt McDonald Rd
spelio: Up to the Cotter Dam
spelio: IMG_6689
spelio: IMG_6690
spelio: On the ramp walk
spelio: Sap bursting out in summer
spelio: IMG_6696
spelio: Amber
spelio: Some sap in the sun!
spelio: IMG_6703
spelio: IMG_6705
spelio: Kids at the Cotter IMG_6707
spelio: Ducks at the Cotter
spelio: Ducks at the Cotter