spelio: P4100018
spelio: P4100017
spelio: Square Dancing in the Hall
spelio: P4100013
spelio: P4100012
spelio: P4100011
spelio: P4100010
spelio: Adelaide Colonial Dancing
spelio: Old time Colonial Dancers from Adelaide
spelio: Where shall we go now?
spelio: Adelaide Colonial Dancing
spelio: P4100005 Morris Dancer
spelio: Where is that tent/Gig??
spelio: Made it into the gate, where to next?
spelio: P1010002
spelio: Listening to singing groups as we wander around.
spelio: The Lazy Farmer's Sons
spelio: The Lazy Farmer's Sons
spelio: The famous Eric Bogle and John Munro.
spelio: The famous Eric Bogle and John Munro.
spelio: P4100063 The famous Canberran Bogong Moths
spelio: P4100062 Bogong Moths
spelio: Spooky Men's Chorale at the 2009 Folk Festival.
spelio: Spooky Men's Chorale at National Folk Festival 2009
spelio: P4100054 Spooky Men's Chorale
spelio: Colum Sands performs his great yarns and songs.
spelio: P4100052
spelio: P4100051
spelio: P4100050 The Fiddle Chicks
spelio: P4100049