sparkleice: butterfly.
sparkleice: bunny
sparkleice: white horses
sparkleice: gryphon
sparkleice: siesta
sparkleice: i can feel too much is never enough
sparkleice: the past is a space
sparkleice: warning!
sparkleice: i can't stand the rain
sparkleice: close yet far
sparkleice: xi shi
sparkleice: "It can't be very gay for you - living all alone in a forest!"
sparkleice: The Lovers' Pocketbook
sparkleice: i'm mesmerized
sparkleice: I send an angel before thee
sparkleice: blue eyes
sparkleice: decca-pekka kertoo
sparkleice: glitter slipper
sparkleice: i have seen the writing on the wall
sparkleice: kitty
sparkleice: great depression in space
sparkleice: it's been a bad day. please don't take a picture
sparkleice: fairytale under bridge
sparkleice: we're not gonna take it
sparkleice: 'Travelling Adventures of a 126'
sparkleice: hair
sparkleice: satuja
sparkleice: meanwhile in the viewmaster...
sparkleice: glass curtain