SooozhyQ: Kadir's in Olympos
SooozhyQ: lycian ruins in Olympos Valley
SooozhyQ: lycian ruins in Olympos Valley
SooozhyQ: lycian ruins in Olympos Valley
SooozhyQ: lycian ruins in Olympos
SooozhyQ: beach at end of Olympos Valley
SooozhyQ: beach at end of Olympos Valley (the sea is behind me)
SooozhyQ: beach at end of Olympos Valley (the sea is behind me)
SooozhyQ: beach burro
SooozhyQ: not a bad place to be a donkey!
SooozhyQ: what?????
SooozhyQ: lycian tomb in Olympos Valley
SooozhyQ: lycian tomb in Olympos Valley
SooozhyQ: lycian ruins in Olympos Valley
SooozhyQ: lycian ruins in Olympos Valley
SooozhyQ: lycian ruins in Olympos Valley
SooozhyQ: lycian ruins at Olympos Valley
SooozhyQ: see the detail on the stonework?
SooozhyQ: lycian ruins at Olympos Valley
SooozhyQ: lycian ruins at Olympos Valley
SooozhyQ: lycian tombs at Olympos Valley
SooozhyQ: were these walkways or water channels?