unchatunchat UCUC: croix rousse city
bemberes: series "cityscapes"
bemberes: space
bemberes: light
sorferru: IMG_2638_rooster business_3
sorferru: IMG_2644_rooster business_2
sorferru: IMG_2625_rooster business_1
Tchitcho's: Sunday mood
alainpere407: Distanciation sociale parfaite..perfect social distancing..
T.O.F.: Paris 2021 - DSCF9924
Tchitcho's: Training day
Doña Quichotte: Hong Kong
Doña Quichotte: Hautes-Pyrénées, le Cirque de Troumouse
Doña Quichotte: Cauterets, Vallée du Lutour
Doña Quichotte: Wimereux
Doña Quichotte: Pékin, la Cité interdite
sorferru: IMG_4478_waiting for the body
sorferru: IMG_1940_Josette
sorferru: IMG_2114_Josette at the magnetizer
sorferru: IMG_9807__Josette in her kitchen_2
sorferru: IMG_8762_Josette in her kitchen_1
sorferru: IMG_1449_Angelina vaticinating
sorferru: IMG_0914_vanitas
sorferru: IMG_1195_changing style, changing life ?
sorferru: IMG_0634_Kiki in the fireplace