anitajuneparker: More 2x4s gone and drywall gone
anitajuneparker: Drywall haze view from living to kitchen
anitajuneparker: Furnace gone
anitajuneparker: Closet under the stairs and chimney
anitajuneparker: What was under the paneling in the big closet
anitajuneparker: Base of chimney resting on 2x4s
anitajuneparker: View from old furnace closet through stairs closet into kitchen
anitajuneparker: Water heater gone
anitajuneparker: Where furnace used to be
anitajuneparker: Removed the first brick...
anitajuneparker: Drywall haze view from kitchen to livingroom
anitajuneparker: first blank model
anitajuneparker: Kitchen looking towards livingroom
anitajuneparker: Bathroom looking towards kitchen
anitajuneparker: Kitchen cabinet under the paint
anitajuneparker: exterior wall under drywall
anitajuneparker: wallpaper emerging from under drywall
anitajuneparker: Found 03162008 Label on back of gypsum board attached to ceiling
anitajuneparker: Found labeled joist Geo D Cross 03162008
anitajuneparker: Beer Bottle Noch_Eins 1
anitajuneparker: recycle pile
anitajuneparker: new joists as viewed from bathroom doorway
anitajuneparker: the discard pile groweth
anitajuneparker: Demo-ing a newer wall
anitajuneparker: Front of house
anitajuneparker: Kitchen upper cabinets down
anitajuneparker: Found in house Linden Dry Cleaning coupon
anitajuneparker: Bathroom Ceiling down
anitajuneparker: Beer Bottle Noch_Eins 2
anitajuneparker: Found 03162008 hidden between joists under the attic floor beer bottle