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smu53: Battist Sforza and Federigo III di Montefeltro. Womwn dyed hair blond in the 1400's by soaking it in horse urine!
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smu53: Primavera by Boticelli 1480
smu53: Pallas and the Centaur by Boticelli
smu53: Birth of Venus by Boticelli 1480. First major work on canvas.
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smu53: Pote Vechio (1335) from the Uffizi.
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smu53: Annunciation by Leonardo Da Vinci. Earliest work, done while apprenticed with Verrocchio.
smu53: Adoration of the Magi by Leonardo Da Vince. Not finished
smu53: Leonardo got the ideas for the faces at an insane asylum!
smu53: Portraits of Agnolo and Maddalena Doni by Raphael.
smu53: Doni Tondo by Michaelangelo 1500.
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smu53: Street performer.
smu53: Most meat on a pizza!