oncelee: love travels
oncelee: 好像要準備分手
oncelee: 兩人看起來應該是不認識吧
oncelee: 芝姊快點來找我們玩!
oncelee: 98030009
oncelee: 先生買口香糖嗎?
oncelee: 和平飯店
oncelee: img0022
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oncelee: I love our blur shape
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oncelee: img0006
oncelee: 菠蘿油!!香菇和我的最愛!
oncelee: the last step of some stranger I saw
oncelee: DSCF7410
oncelee: 機場終於醒來做早操了
oncelee: everyone is sleeping in its tour
oncelee: DSCF7406
oncelee: DSCF7405
oncelee: everyone is sleeping in its tour
oncelee: DSCF7387
oncelee: DSCF7376
oncelee: DSCF7375
oncelee: DSCF7362
oncelee: DSCF7355
oncelee: DSCF7350
oncelee: DSCF7345
oncelee: DSCF7338