bloody marty mix:
The contest for Bockfest Sausage Queen gets heated.
bloody marty mix:
Two Sausage Queen contestants at Cincinnati Bockfest.
bloody marty mix:
Disapproving goat disapproves of you.
bloody marty mix:
Cincinnati Bockfest in Bockfest Hall
bloody marty mix:
Another great homecoming at Rose Hulman Pikes
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Rain delay. #baseball
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Adjusting the lederhosen
bloody marty mix:
Revolutionary War reinactor at Freudenfest
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More civil war surgery demo
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Civil War reinactor surgeon
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Civil war reinactor demonstrates amputation techniques
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American flags & tractors
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Antique tractors at Freudenfest
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Antique Tractor Wheel
bloody marty mix:
Yet more German dancers from Freudenfest
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bloody marty mix:
More German dancers at Freudenfest
bloody marty mix:
Getting them started early at Freudenfest
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German dancers at Freudenfest
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Freudenfest Day II
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Oh, funnel cake, how I love thee!
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Kurt at Freudenfest
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Scott & Rick at Freudenfest
bloody marty mix:
Mason jar of wildflowers
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Kurt & Scott at Freudenfest 2011
bloody marty mix:
Freudenfest 2011, Oldenberg, Indiana
bloody marty mix:
Freudenfest 2011, Oldenberg, Indiana
bloody marty mix:
California. May 15. WTF?!
bloody marty mix:
My grandfather vacuuming my aunt. It's a long story.
bloody marty mix:
I got some hand-knit socks in the mail! Yay!