slark: Two Sector Model - exterior world
slark: Four Sector Model (The Four Quadrants)
slark: The Eight Sector Approach to Perspectives
slark: Two Sector Model - interior self
slark: The Four Quadrants
slark: Horizontal, Vertical and Diagonal Polarities
slark: Line, circle and point
slark: One Root of Unity
slark: Two Roots of Unity
slark: Four Roots of Unity
slark: Eight Roots of Unity
slark: Demonstration that Diagonal Lines are of Zero Magnitude
slark: The dual interpretation of these diagonal lines in standard analytic terms
slark: A certain discrete level of interpretation still does exist and the structural nature is directly suggested by the diagonal lines in our circular diagram
slark: Circular Model of Development
slark: Three distinct groups (comprising in each case 8 personality types) giving 24 in all
slark: Dynamic Approach to Translating Four Quadrants