slange70: rory in the outfield
slange70: jack
slange70: danny
slange70: rory run
slange70: rory swing
slange70: ethan
slange70: ohannes
slange70: ohannes
slange70: aidan
slange70: rory
slange70: andrew and ethan
slange70: andrew
slange70: charlie
slange70: ethan
slange70: phillies in the outfield
slange70: phillies in the outfield
slange70: phillies in the outfield
slange70: phillies in the outfield
slange70: the dugout
slange70: the dugout
slange70: alex
slange70: andrew at bat
slange70: andrew at bat
slange70: ohannes hit
slange70: ohannes hit
slange70: ohannes hit
slange70: rory behind the plate
slange70: aidan
slange70: danny
slange70: charlie and jack