S!nny: Golden
S!nny: Fertility - Barren
S!nny: Black N Blue
S!nny: Worship
S!nny: We ain't scuuured
S!nny: Green & Gold
S!nny: Prototype 1 - phase - feelings - ALERT ALERT - ERROR
S!nny: Time Forgets
S!nny: Old & New
S!nny: Every time I try to leave I die
S!nny: Its a nice day for a black weddin'
S!nny: Last Stop
S!nny: When Darkness Falls
S!nny: Libra
S!nny: Inside Out
S!nny: Testator silens Costestes e spiritu Silencium
S!nny: Giant
S!nny: I want to ride my bicy.... OH LOOK A SQUIRREL!
S!nny: Citrus Blue
S!nny: Envy & Rage
S!nny: 2ND LIFER
S!nny: Loyalty and dignity, purity and hope.
S!nny: Hope
S!nny: Spring
S!nny: Sullen
S!nny: Like clockwork
S!nny: Slip, slip... away..
S!nny: When the Hammer falls
S!nny: Doll Face
S!nny: Illusion