yipsinclair: 初二賽車日!
yipsinclair: please don't wear eyeglasses... really like old man
yipsinclair: 扮有型
yipsinclair: if u have no dreams ... u just like a dead fish !
yipsinclair: very gold color !
yipsinclair: 進化中
yipsinclair: special pose for mobile game !
yipsinclair: daddy希望你自己將來的路有得自己揀.!
yipsinclair: Heroes !!!
yipsinclair: upload
yipsinclair: i want to go home !
yipsinclair: orange sunset @sinclairyip photography
yipsinclair: beautiful sky & comfortable weather !
yipsinclair: flower with hands
yipsinclair: Wrong position ...
yipsinclair: accident photo by iphone6
yipsinclair: IMG_1928
yipsinclair: not for fat guy ....
yipsinclair: No 64/f in that big country !