Siempre_La_Luna: New rule: no more birthdays in any place where the outside temperature is way less than my age. #FuckThisShit
Siempre_La_Luna: What up, Edmonton... You bleak motherfucker.
Siempre_La_Luna: Today's hotel room came with free clothes. Sorry Stephen with the indecipherable last name, these wack-ass douchebag clothes are mine now.
Siempre_La_Luna: Silhouette of a man violently power-barfing behind his travel trailer. #WhatUpVegasYouKnowTheRestOfTheJoke
Siempre_La_Luna: Never give up on your dreams.
Siempre_La_Luna: Got this beautiful bitch in the mail today. Shout out to @ARTofCOOP and his incredible "Monster Parties: Fact or Fiction???" mix which tipped me off to the existence of this record. (Go buy his stuff!)
Siempre_La_Luna: From a production standpoint this is definitely the most disgraceful ratfuck I have ever seen. I'd show you some photos of this bullshit in action but it's too horrible.
Siempre_La_Luna: Good stuff in the mail today.
Siempre_La_Luna: Some drunk dumbfuck just took out the whole traffic circle. Apparently the other sign that should be here is part of the car now. That's gonna be a hell of a thing to see when/if they wake up tomorrow. I didn't see it happen but I did get to hear the swee
Siempre_La_Luna: Stepping into the new year like...
Siempre_La_Luna: The key is to buss all the synth parts to all of the effectrons, summed back to the audio ins on the EleVAta, out to the shitty drum reverb preset on the Midiverb, summed to the Gristleizer, and then to the track. #ProductionSecrets #TensOfDollarsWorthOfG
Siempre_La_Luna: 🎶 They're coming for you Barbra pa rum pum pum pum. 🎶
Siempre_La_Luna: Tree of life and whatnot.
Siempre_La_Luna: I found another stash of stickers. Most of them were just stupid shit like the coconut one but this one is a real gem. A story? Sure, why not. For a while I worked in a touristy restaurant and one of the owners was a much older guy who had a really hard t
Siempre_La_Luna: So yeah, in 1999 I went to rehab because, you know, drunk all the time and whatnot. Anyway, a big part of why I got fucked up all the time was because I was an insomniac. That shit only got worse once I got sober. So I decided to say fuck it and stop worr
Siempre_La_Luna: The ol' family store.
Siempre_La_Luna: A total of three minutes elapsed between arriving at my dad's house and there being a pot of spaghetti on the stove. In Italian that's known as "a long time".
Siempre_La_Luna: Minor repairs.
Siempre_La_Luna: Automating 12 bands of EQ on a 14 minute track at 2:00am because apparently I hate my brain.
Siempre_La_Luna: Every once in a while you come across a record where every song sounds like the last thing you hear just before you die. This is one of those records. Heavy as fuck.
Siempre_La_Luna: I've been to 5 different grocery stores with my dad this week and I've been consistently amazed by the fact that he's treated like the god damn mayor of foodsylvania in every one of them. He is on bro status and first name basis with every cheesemonger, d
Siempre_La_Luna: Adios, Costa Rica... You beautiful motherfucker.
Siempre_La_Luna: Costa Rica really is a land of highly endangered species.
Siempre_La_Luna: Just us and weird speedo guy kickin' it on this end of the beach.
Siempre_La_Luna: When your girl is out here side-eyeing the crocodiles.
Siempre_La_Luna: "So what do you do?" "I enjoy skinny-skiing, going to bullfights on acid."
Siempre_La_Luna: Just hangin' out with Bodoque the sloth.
Siempre_La_Luna: And go for fucking house lights. That's it for my touring for the year. Over 100,000 miles flown, two hundred and something shows, 26 countries, -16* for an outdoor gig in Minneapolis, 110* for an outdoor gig in Kansas City, 55 of 300 days so far this yea
Siempre_La_Luna: What up, Salt Lake... You mormonic motherfucker.
Siempre_La_Luna: Civic duty and whatnot.