vavoir: sketchbook
LenCowgill: Strangers Battling Through Eternity (open)
rita.colantonio: Throw me a lifeline...please!
sgaubert: casser
illusimi: bear and his friends, and purple flowers
susan j 2000: Deep Sea Driving
susan j 2000: Dog day afternoon
yanomano_: s_wing_liner
ersi marina: "the stranger"
LenCowgill: This Is Jackson; He Knows What You're Thinking
kimama: Collage  235
kimama: collage638
federico hurtado 2011: Retrato VII.
Sara Serna.: Libretas
federico hurtado 2011: La mas grande.
Leo & Pipo: impasse Saint Denis
Leo & Pipo: rue de Hesse
Leo & Pipo: bvd des Italiens
recombiner: distress 2
recombiner: Distress 94
Angie Naron: "There was an old woman who lived in a shoe...
Casihumano: Pabellón #83 Lota instagram: dreamlista
Lena Limkina: Jewelled Chrysanthemum_780
Lena Limkina: Chrysanthemum
Scrummy Things: dogs aplenty black white dogwood denim
Jan Irving: CCC201507Justine-lab_pair_justine.jpg