Sherlock Holmes Society of London: The Guest of Honour was Leslie S Klinger. "The New Annotated Sherlock Holmes" secured his reputation as one of the great Holmesian scholars - but how did it all start?
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: Les told us of his mixed delight and bafflement on first reading “The Blue Carbuncle” — delight because it’s such a good story; bafflement because so much of it was alien to a child in mid-20th century Chicago.
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: What was a commissionaire? What was a billycock hat? What was a "pink 'un"? So much was strange to young Les Klinger!
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: And why would anyone carry a whole goose around in London?
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: When he came to edit "The New Annotated Sherlock Holmes", Les found that the story still posed problems - but different from those had puzzled him decades before.
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: In the end, though, what really matters is the depth and warmth of the friendship between Holmes and Watson.
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: Peter Horrocks proposed the toast to Dr Watson.
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: Peter noted that Covid-19 was predicted by Professor Moriarty in "The Pandemics of an Asteroid" - and noted that Professor Whitty, the Chief Medical Officer for England, bears a curious likeness to the Napoleon of Crime.
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: John H Watson remained true to his friend and true to his remedy for all ailments: brandy. Good old Watson!
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: The post-prandial entertainment was Bonnie MacBird's dramatisation of "The Blue Carbuncle".
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: Clockwise from top left: Holmes (Jonathan le Billon), Watson (Dominic Brewer), Horner (Bryan Coffee) & Peterson (Alex Phelps)
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: Clockwise from top left: Holmes (Jonathan le Billon), Henry Baker (Karesa McElheny) & Watson (Dominic Brewer)
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: Clockwise from top left: Holmes (Jonathan le Billon), Watson (Dominic Brewer) & Breckinridge (Karesa McElheny)
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: Clockwise from top left: Windigate (Bryan Coffee), Catherine Cusack & James Ryder (Sarah Peachey & Rob Myles), Breckinridge (Karesa McElheny) & Ryder (Rob Myles)
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: As a finale, Holmes took the lead in an adaptation of the Major-General’s song from "The Pirates of Penzance", to wit: “I Am the Very Model of a Modern Major Super Sleuth”!
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: Of course, a Modern Major Super Sleuth must have a large brain!
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: Watson had his doubts about some of Holmes's claims.
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: Holmes's claim to be a Modern Major Super Sleuth was full of circumstantial detail.
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: Mycroft Holmes (Robert Mammana) pointed out that he was the older, smarter Holmes.
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: You may recognise a face or two among the Chorus - not only members of the cast, but the Society's Meetings Secretary (now Chairman), Catherine Cooke, and, er . . .
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: Would this be Bonnie MacBird herself - creator of such a clever script and author of such witty lyrics?
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: Yes, Holmes is a Modern Major Super Sleuth - but he needs Watson, just as Watson needs Holmes.
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: The Detective and the Doctor are an immortal, invincible team!