Sherlock Holmes Society of London: Eiichi Nakahara studies the frontage of the Sherlock Holmes pub (photo by Roger Johnson)
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: Masamichi Higurashi welcomes members & guests (photo by Roger Johnson)
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: Mitch Higurashi checks his notes (photo by Roger Johnson)
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: Heather Owen examines a small treasure that Akane Higashiyama has brought. Hiroko Nakashima looks on (photo by Roger Johnson)
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: Heather Owen is actually chatting with Akane Higashiyama, who is hidden behind Hiroko Nakashima (photo by Roger Johnson)
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: Members and guests, young and not-so-young, await the next item on the agenda - or possibly the next course on the menu (photo by Roger Johnson)
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: Mitch Higurashi recalls events in the Club's long history (photo by Roger Johnson)
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: Mitch Higurashi honours distinguished members of the Club, while Kiyoshi Arai records the moment (photo by Roger Johnson)
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: Mitch Higurashi hands over to the Club's co-founder Akane Higashiyama (photo by Roger Johnson)
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: Akane Higashiyama speaks of her much-missed husband, Tsukasa Kobayashi (photo by Roger Johnson)
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: Mitch Higurashi is momentarily distracted, but Akane Higashiyama remains focused (photo by Roger Johnson)
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: Akane Higashiyama and Tsukasa Kobayashi took part in the Society's Swiss pilgrimages in 1987. 1988 and 1991 (photo by Roger Johnson)
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: Like Masamichi Higurashi, Akane Higashiyama holds the Irregular Shilling, as did her late husband (photo by Roger Johnson)
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: Akane Higashiyama says that Sherlock Holmes is no less popular in Japan now than he was forty years before (photo by Roger Johnson)
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: Akane Higashiyama reminds us that, like our Society, the Japan Sherlock Holmes Club has members world-wide (photo by Roger Johnson)
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: Mitch Higurashi has something special for Akane Higashiyama (photo by Roger Johnson)
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: Mitch Higurashi commends Akane Higashiyama for her insight, her dedication and her love of the Great Detective (photo by Roger Johnson)
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: Mitch Higurashi's well-deserved compliments are almost too much for Akane Higashiyama (photo by Roger Johnson)
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: Catherine Cooke conveys the thanks of the Society's Council for the friendship we enjoy with the Japan Sherlock Holmes Club (photo by Roger Johnson)
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: Catherine Cooke has experienced at first hand the Japanese enthusiasm for Sherlock Holmes on her visits to Japan (photo by Roger Johnson)
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: Mitch Higurashi thanks Catherine Cooke for her contribution to this celebration of the Japan Sherlock Holmes Club (photo by Roger Johnson)
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: Eiichi Nakahara seems to be thinking of something serious, but Mitch Higurashi and Akane Higashiyama appreciate a humorous remark (photo by Roger Johnson)
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: Eiichi Nakahara, Mitch Higurashi and Akane Higashiyama all listen to an appreciative observation (photo by Roger Johnson)
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: Catherine Cooke listens intently (photo by Roger Johnson)
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: Heather Owen, familiar with the Japanese language, appreciates the witty compliments paid to the Sherlock Holmes Society of London (photo by Roger Johnson)
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: For Heather Owen, Catherine Cooke, Jean Upton and Roger Johnson, it is a privilege to help celebrate the Japan Sherlock Holmes Club's 40th anniversary (photo by Roger Johnson)
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: Yaeko Amano, Masamichi Higurashi and Yumiko Shigaki pose proudly beneath the portrait of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (photo by Roger Johnson)
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: Mitch Higurashi and Yumiko Shigaki pose with the portrait artist, Jean Upton, and her husband Roger Johnson (photo by Yaeko Amano)