Ships of Mann: Lady of Mann looking aft from the bridge, May 30 2004
Ships of Mann: Lady of Mann mainmast flying two houseflags May 30 2004
Ships of Mann: Lady of Mann flying Manxman name pennant May 30 2004
Ships of Mann: Lady of Mann on Victoria Pier June 12 2004
Ships of Mann: Bikes on the ramp 7 June 04
Ships of Mann: Ben-My-Chree refitting, Birkenhead Jan 10 2004
Ships of Mann: Ben-My-Chree refitting at Birkenhead Jan 10 2004
Ships of Mann: Ben-My-Chree off Douglas on June 11 2004
Ships of Mann: Ben-My-Chree in Douglas Bay June 11 2004
Ships of Mann: Auldyn River off Ramsey July 27 2004
Ships of Mann: Ben-My-Chree emerges from the mist at Douglas June 7 2004
Ships of Mann: Seacat Isle of Man off Douglas Oct 10 2004
Ships of Mann: Seacat Isle of Man at Liverpool June 5 2004
Ships of Mann: Rapide off Laxey on June 04 2004
Ships of Mann: Superseacat Two leaves Douglas June 4 2004
Ships of Mann: Superseacat Two stern view off Douglas June 5 2004
Ships of Mann: Balmoral on Victoria Pier June 12 2004
Ships of Mann: Balmoral off Peel May 29 2004
Ships of Mann: Balmoral at Peel May 29 2004
Ships of Mann: Mir in the mist, Douglas Bay June 7 2004