Ships of Mann: Lady of Mann at Douglas 28Dec 2003
Ships of Mann: Wendy Ann at sea 6th Sept 2003
Ships of Mann: Varbola, now Arrow, at Dublin 27 Dec 2003
Ships of Mann: Seacat Isle of Man leaving Douglas 6th Sept 2003
Ships of Mann: Seacat Isle of Man in Birkenhead Docks Nov 2003
Ships of Mann: Looking aft from the Bridgewing of Ben-My-Chree 27 Dec 2003
Ships of Mann: Lagan Viking at sea 6thSept 2003
Ships of Mann: Lagan Viking & Brave Merchant in the Mersey 6Sept 2003
Ships of Mann: European Leader leaves Fleetwood 11th Oct 2003
Ships of Mann: Brave Merchant in the Mersey 6 Sept 2003
Ships of Mann: Ben-My-Chree leaves Heysham on Boxing Day 2003
Ships of Mann: Ben-My Chree in Douglas Bay 6th Sept 2003
Ships of Mann: Ben Varrey at sea, 7 Dec 2003
Ships of Mann: Ben- My-Chree at Douglas 7th Dec 2003
Ships of Mann: Ben boats at Ramsey 28 Dec 2003
Ships of Mann: Auldyn River at Ramsey 28 Dec 2003
Ships of Mann: Arklow Rose in the Mersey 7 Dec 2003
Ships of Mann: Allurity at Douglas Dec 28 2003