shannonrose: Peanut and Mitch
shannonrose: Mitch likes the scratching post hidey hole
shannonrose: DSCN1724
shannonrose: Ella - upside down
shannonrose: DSCN1716
shannonrose: Peanut likes to sleep on the bed but under the cat bed
shannonrose: DSCN1711
shannonrose: DSCN1708
shannonrose: DSCN1706
shannonrose: DSCN1701
shannonrose: DSCN1700
shannonrose: DSCN1699
shannonrose: DSCN1697
shannonrose: DSCN1691
shannonrose: DSCN1688
shannonrose: DSCN1681
shannonrose: DSCN1678
shannonrose: DSCN1669
shannonrose: DSCN1666
shannonrose: The Ducks Fly at Midnight
shannonrose: No he's not drunk
shannonrose: DSCN1654
shannonrose: Ella on the bed
shannonrose: DSCN1652
shannonrose: Peanut likes his chair
shannonrose: DSCN1650
shannonrose: On the perch
shannonrose: There's a fight brewing